Bathroom Remodels

Start Your Day the Right Way

Turn to us for custom bathroom remodeling services in Glendale, AZ and beyond

No one wants to start their morning in a cramped shower stall or dysfunctional bathroom. Remodel your space to start your morning off a little better.

Harper Stone and Tile offers custom bathroom remodeling services in Glendale, AZ and beyond. You can count on us to completely demo and rebuild your bathroom to fit your needs and style. From a bigger walk-in shower to a brighter vanity, we’ll bring your ideas to life.

Call 602-291-2386 now to discuss your custom bathroom remodel.

Customize your bathroom oasis

Start your day with a true sense of luxury. Partner with Harper Stone and Tile to fully transform your bathroom into an at-home spa. Our custom bathroom remodels come complete with…

  • Custom cabinets
  • Luxury vanities
  • Plumbing upgrades
  • Electrical upgrades
  • LVP flooring
  • Walk-in showers

We can make your bathroom fully accessible for your needs. Reach out to us today for a free estimate on your custom bathroom remodeling service.

A bathroom with a tub and a walk in shower
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